Surana Educational Institutions to debate on “Convergence of Industry – Academia Expedition” at 2nd Annual Transformational Leadership Summit & Awards 2019
Surana Educational Institutions, based out of the southern state of india in Bengaluru is all set to host the 2nd Annual Transformational Leadership Summit & Awards 2019 to debarate on “Convergence of Industry – Academia Expedition” & confer Transformational Leadership Awards 2019 to commemorate on its founder’s day to mark respect & tribute to Sri. Ghewarchand Surana, the Founder Chairman who cherished the vision to promote excellence in academics through affordable & quality education. The Leadership Meet will be held in 27th April 2019 to promote excellence in education in a one day summit titled 2nd Annual Transformational Leadership Summit & Innovative Excellence Awards 2019 “Convergence of Industry – Academia Expedition” – to be deliberated & addressed by the speakers of international repute on the changing landscape of the Indian Education System & recognize the shining stars of the academia in the higher education sector.
The higher education system in India still has a lot of challenges to overcome. The present number of institutions is much lower in accordance with the growing young population. India’s higher education Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) is at 25.8per cent and stands well below the global average of 27per cent. Though the Indian Government’s target is to achieve a GER of 30% by 2020, yet it is not very ambitious. The Conclave attempts to address the burning issues of the higher education by bringing the stalwarts from the academia & industry under a single platform.
Speaking on the backdrop of the conclave, Mr. Dilip Surana, Chairman of Surana Educational Institutions said I am delighted to recall the legendary poet Shri. Rabindranath Tagore’s golden statement that “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water”, which aptly embraces the main theme of 2nd Annual GCS Conclave, “Convergence of Industry-Academia Expedition”. By virtue, higher education institutions and industries are the backbone of any country’s economic eco-system. Success of any organization is primarily driven by the knowledge it possesses and the ability of its team to apply that into practice effectively. The source of this knowledge is at the academic institution level and the implementation of these is with the Industry. Any one of these two without the other cannot exist in reality. All the while, these two used to exist in silos and the effect of this is the clear mismatch between supply and demand and in turn un-employability today. The faster the Institution and Industry realizes this, the better! Strategically speaking if we are talking about a vertical alliance, there is no better way to solve the un-employability issue in India than having a strong interface between Institution and Industry. Indeed, we can, to an extent confidently state that innovation, IP generation, incubation of startups and the necessary ecosystem is a must for the economic success and again this seed is sown at the Institution level.”
On all parlance, the research and other development activities which are taking place at the institutions level will benefit the industries and society at large. If the alignment and interaction becomes more, the graduates can also get better equipped to meet the ever growing demands of the fast-changing industry environment. An ideal collaboration between academia and industry needs to ensure that the curriculum includes programs and practices that are needed by the industry. With the ever changing competitive industrial landscape across the globe, the need of the hour is to possess the right productive workforce. Making a resource “Right one” is with the institution and making it “Productive” is with the Industry. It’s just a matter of time for this culmination to happen. Albeit the word “Research” is associated more with academia; this is a daily affair at any organization across the horizon. Industry can and should involve and integrate with academia for these research activities. The result of this approach would be more of “ready to use” available workforce and better management of operation overheads within the industry. Firmly believe, an endeavour of this kind, initiated by Surana Educational Institutions to honour the significant contributors from academia and industry would be a stepping stone to build more rigor nexus between Industry and Academia.
Archana Surana, the mentor & the trustee of the institutions said Surana Educational Institution has been organizing the Transformational Leadership Awards annually to encourage and showcase successful academicians and leaders in India. The objective of this endeavour is to recognize and appreciate the hard work of several humble and quiet workers whose service to society goes unrecognised..In the past edition of the awards, SEI had recognised entrepreneurs academicians, administrators, social activists, leaders for their excellence in their initiatives, innovations and unique practices.This year marks the Silver Jubilee of SEI, to celebrate this milestone, the committee has widened the scope by introducing Industry – Academia convergence as the theme.A one day conclave is organised on the 27th of April 2019 as it marks the 78th Birth anniversary of our Founding Father Sri G C Surana An inspirational leader, Sri.G C Surana. founded Micro Labs Private Limited in 1973 and Surana College in 1995. His perseverance and leadership took both institutions from a modest start to their eventual success. Hence the theme, Convergence of Industry – Academia expedition.
List of Award Categories
- G.C. Surana Distinguished Chair Award
- Best Administrator Award
- Transformational Leadership Award
- Life Time Achievement Award
- Outstanding Community Service Award
- Best Strategist Award
- Young HR Leader Award
- Best HR Policy Award
- Best Innovator Award
- Best Brand Award
- Best Customer Service Award
- Techno-Educational Award
- Rising Star Award
- Best International Collaborator Award
- Best Public Service Award
- Centre of Excellence Award
- Best Alma Mater Award