
All sites owned and operated by Network 7 Research use cookies. A cookie is a small data file written to your hard drive. Cookies allow us to understand user behavior so we can more effectively develop information and programs to serve you better. Our third-party ad serving company, delivers a one-time cookie to your hard drive in order to better track ad impressions and click-through rates generated by your activity on our websites. Advertisers require information regarding ad impressions and click-through rates, and by providing them with this information, we are able to keep our websites free to our visitors. Please be assured that, except for sharing impressions and click-through rates with our third-party advertisers, the information you give us or that we collect about you in connection with our use of cookies will not be shared with any other third party, except with our service providers and then only in the form and for the purposes stated in the above Privacy Pledge.

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